Bush the warmonger, Obama the war hero

You know I find it ironic how diametrically opposite the opinions of some individuals can be depending on who is in the White House.  Take for instance the liberal talking head on FoxNews earlier today who was bragging about how tough Obama has been because of all his drone strikes in Pakistan.  Compare that to how the left vilified Bush while he was in office for any drone strikes.  Now the fact that Obama has had many more drone strikes than Bush is considered something to brag about.  Consider also how incensed the left was during the Bush Administration because we were in 2, what they call, illegal wars.  Compare that to the absolute lack of any outrage over the fact that it is quietly reported Obama has sent troops into 75 sovereign nations.  So Bush entering 2 wars while involving Congress is warmongering and illegal while Obama lobbing drone based missiles into places who are supposedly our allies, against their permission and having combat troops in 75 countries is neither warmongering or illegal?  I’m sure the left can come up with a perfectly irrational explanation to justify this.  The reality is that it has to do only with the R or the D behind the name of the person in the office.

Mitt Romney only paid about 14%!!!!!

Well the headlines are out, Mitt Romney only paid around 14% in taxes last year.  The spin is in full swing.  What you will not find out is the fact that this was not from Income Taxes which he had already paid but interest so he is basically being taxed a second time.  Also the fact that he paid about 30% of his income to charities is hid quite deep in each story I have read.  The fact that he only claimed around 1% of his charitable givings on his taxes thereby paying a higher rate than the law requires is also buried deep.  Something else missing?  The fact that those who are most vocal about him releasing his taxes, people like Harry Reid and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have refused to release theirs.

From Merriam Webster:


noun \ˈhi-pə-ˌkrit\

Definition of HYPOCRITE

: a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion
: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Elevating the discourse? Democrats leading by example again!

It is curious that leftists are constantly preaching at those of us on the right about our tone, the level of discourse and etc.  Yet all I seem to find from the left is petty, childish, slanderous, mud slinging and name calling.  Take for example the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee.  This is not supposed to be some left wing bomb throwers like Media Matters or the New Black Panthers.  These are supposed to be elected officials who represent all of their constituents when on the job.  So how do they elevate the discourse?  With this.

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Propaganda and desecration

Well it looks like there is another flag bearing the image of Obama and this time it is on display in a school.

For starters the U.S. flag code states the flag must never bear any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. So what the Obama Campaign has done with these flags is, well, illegal.   Continue reading

To Che’ or not to Che’ that really is a question.

I have always been perplexed how American leftists can see this man as a hero.  I have even seen people calling George Bush a Warmonger while displaying the image of Che’ Guevara.  A man who once said “Crazy with fury I will stain my rifle red while slaughtering any enemy that falls on my hands!  My nostrils dilate while savoring the acrid odor of gunpowder and blood.  With the deaths of my enemies I prepare my being for the sacred fight and join the triumphant proletariat with a bestial howl!”

I have never been able to find a Liberal/Progressive who will actually try to explain their love for this man.  I typically get answers like “you wouldn’t understand”, “he was a great man”, and even “Viva la Revolution” but never an intelligent answer as to why he deserves their idolizing.

“If any person has a good word for the previous government that is good enough for me to have him shot.” Dr Che Guevara Continue reading

Are we better off?

Obama is now making the claim that we as a nation are better off than we were four years ago.  So what do you think?

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The TEA Party is Dead Long Live the TEA Party!

Well according to such sources as The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post and even townhall.com we don’t exist anymore.  The problem is not one of reality but of perception and methodology.  The perception is that we are not out on the streets protesting and the methodology of typical politically motivated groups is to do exactly that.  So are we dead?

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Bias and the media.

I see people on the left constantly attacking Talk Radio and FoxNews for being biased toward Conservatism.  For starters those on Talk Radio who are Conservative don’t exactly try to hide it and on top of that there are Liberal Talk Radio hosts as well.  The problem is that, for some bizarre reason, leftists don’t like listening to people blabbing on the radio while those on the right do.  I have no clue why this is but it is the reason why there are more prominent Conservative Talk Radio stars than leftists.  Heck I’m not sure there is any leftist Talk Radio hosts who are even vaguely successful when compared to Conservatives.  As far as FoxNews there are plenty of Conservatives on that channel with all of their commentary shows being left leaning with the exception of Geraldo Rivera who seems to be the token leftist.  I can’t understand why he’s on FoxNews, the man is so incompetent and frankly loony that I don’t think he could even get a job of this magnitude on a Liberal network.

Okay, we have acknowledged that the left is right that there actually is a Conservative bias in FoxNews and Talk Radio so now lets compare it to the rest of the world.  This is one cable news channel and AM radio.

Where can the left turn to in order to find something that does not offend their views?  Well pretty much everything else in media.  Well lets compare shall we? Continue reading